Thursday 29 October 2015


Today is our special day. We present about any lesson that we prepared .
Eveleen and Yng Jye choose the topic about Fruits. What I found interesting is they bring the fruits to the class for tastes. Its so much fun.

Me, Laila and Amanina choose the topic about Parts of Body. We print out the flash cards and bring the real charts.

while Ariff and Ika teach about the cycle of butterfly. They teach also how to make butterfly origami. So cute ^.^

Okay. see you in another post. tata

Wednesday 21 October 2015


Today, we watch the presentation from kak Nina about her "learning websites" slide.

kak nina brief her slide

Then we proceed to the simple review about the blendspace from three groups in the class. So far, Dr Chin was satisfied with our exploration about blendscape. :)

Here, my blendscape sharing learning  :

Add caption
Hope these sharing will help :)
Anyway, just find me on blendspace . search : Meet Nana

Before the class end, Dr Chin also give a simple explaination about WordPress and Glogster.
Later we will explore. Hihi Thanks.

wishes for readers

See you again later ^.^

Thursday 15 October 2015


Blendspace is a free web tool for teachers to collect resources in one place to form a bundled, interactive lesson for students or colleagues. When you create a Blendspace lesson, you can pull in videos from YouTube, websites, pictures, EduCreations lessons Flickr images, or links and images from Google. You can import from Gooru, OpenEd, Dropbox, or Google Drive. You can always upload your own files, like Power Points or resources housed on your own computer. Pretty much any resource you can imagine or that you would pull together to share can be embedded into a Blendspace lesson.

Blendspace also gives you the ability to add in multiple choice quizzes into your lessons so that your lessons are more than just sharing info - it helps you assess students on what they're learning right alongside the content. When you create a quiz, select the correct answer (if applicable), and then Blendspace can even autograde your assessments for you, too. I see flipped classroom teachers flipping over the ability to put in websites or video clips and immediately follow up with questions before moving on to the next piece. And while the quiz feature of Blendspace is limited to a multiple choice question format, don't forget that since you can pull from Google Drive, that means you could create a Google Form with deeper, more open-ended questions and include that in your lesson as well.

From today's learning in class, I found out that Blendspace was very useful for teachers in teaching the students. It helps a lot in saving the time, cost and make your work done in the blink of the eyes ;)

So, lets explore and start to use the Blendspace ! Register now and have fun :)
Click link to learn more :

Thursday 8 October 2015


Today is our presentation day. The task that we need to present about the educational website that suitable for teaching kids in the class. Not only that, we need to explore deeper to find the advantages and disadvantages of each websites.

So I choose three website that I found very interesting and fun to teach the kids. Here are the link to the websites :

This is the website that can teach kids Mathematic's subject. It is easy to use and has many grades that teacher can match the activity based on the kids level.

This is the website that contain math activity, story telling and a lot of games ! yeayyyy ! so much fun we can found on the website !

Click the playground and the website will appear like this. Then you can choose any games you want. Lets try them all :) I'm done ! yeay !!

This is the website that more focuses on Science subject. There's a lot of experiment to try and many science activity to explore with the kids in the class ! have a try :)

That's all for today. Thanks for reading. Hope all these information can be used for all teachers as references in teaching kids at class.
Wait ! Yng Jye took my photo during the presentation ! hihi ^.^

See you all again. Thanks. Tata

Thursday 1 October 2015



Today the class run like always. Last week we don't have class because of the "Raya Haji Holiday". So today Dr.Chin teach us about Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework to understand and describe the kinds of knowledge needed by a teacher for effective pedagogical practice in a technology enhanced learning environment. The idea of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) was first described by Lee Shulman (Shulman 1986) and TPACK builds on those core ideas through the inclusion of technology.

Slide as referencess in class

Seven TPACK Knowledge Areas :

(i) Content Knowledge (CK),

(ii) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK),

(iii) Technology Knowledge (TK),

(iv) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK),

(v) Technological Content Knowledge (TCK),

(vi) Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK),

(vii) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK).

In short , TPACK can be understand easily like shown in the pictures below :

So I can conclude that these topic is all about effective technology integration for teaching specific content or subject matter requires understanding and negotiating the relationships between these three components: Technology, Pedagogy, and Content.

Ok. Thats all for today. See you guys in next entry :)